Monday, November 21, 2011


Take a trip over to the east side of a former industrial impoverished city. See the garbage in the street and the abandoned factories lying there as relics from a better time in this seaside New England city.  Still heavily populated, without being heavily employed, this city teeters on the edge.
Then walk into the east side high school. Alive with everything adolescent. Laughs, tears, learning and struggling. Truly there's never a dull moment. This blog is not only to share some funny stories, but also to show that this school on the hill could indeed be the shining light of a city that so desperately needs some progress.

Future posts will include accomplishments of students and the current topics of study. Specifically, progress on interdisciplinary projects and the development therein will be regularly shared.
Another frequent topic of future posts will be sharing the status of technology integration in a “failing” urban school. While many teachers and students are excited to use technology to better express their understandings, the school remains tragically underfunded and the technology that does exist it underutilized and poorly maintained.
It is important for the public to understand that there is true need and motivation for schools to nurture the Twenty-first Century learner. A Twenty-first Century learner is one who is collaborative and works in several mediums to communicate and share his understandings. All schools should aim to educate and nurture these learners, but for schools on the low end of the achievement gap, the task seems daunting.
This blog will continually discuss the education gap and hopefully shed light on the successes in one school that is deemed “failing”.

Thank you for your initial interest. I hope I can entice you to read on in the future weeks.



  1. Michael,
    Great blog post I especially like your passion to support a twenty first century learner. May we all benefit from your journey and your passion. Keep that light bright :)

  2. You paint a very interesting picture. I am looking forward to seeing where this goes. Nice intro!
