Sunday, November 27, 2011


So... I created this igoogle page several months ago and haven't visited it since. I'm not entirely sure of its value as an online organizer - it would seem that most people could recall their most frequently visited sites.
I mean, half of this stuff I hardly use at all. I don't use Facebook - I have a hard enough time answering all four email accounts and returning phone calls! The last thing I really need is another medium with which to be contacted. As for Twitter - no one really needs to hear my babble. The link to the Yankee's website is useful. So is the weather. 

The screen shot above may work out nicely. This Action Research Project that is focussed on student usages of technology and the learning outcomes does have a myriad of potential resources and links. I suppose this igoogle business may turn out to be organizationally beneficial. I think I could still probably just log on to the Yankee's website when so motivated though.
This is the tab that will prove the value of igoogle to me! Already I have a list in my iPhone of all the new accounts I've created as a result of this EMDT program. This will help me keep them straight!

I can see the value of organizing ones online life; I just personally have not required it yet. I do wonder if it could be a valuable tool for my students as they continue to struggle to use technology in an effective manner to increase their learnings. Maybe I could create a gadget to remind them of their homework!
I'm looking forward to having igoogle as my homepage for a month to see if it truly does make my internet experience simpler.

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