Friday, August 10, 2012

Week2 Wimba

What a great discussion - I'm sorry I was unable to attend. There were a few things that really stood out to me throughout the course of the session. The first was the culture of innocence that has long "protected" users of copyrighted materials. People frequently take clips and use music to supplement their presentations with no intention of copying or profiting from the usage. Abroad, cultural norms seem to support the copying, adjusting and rebranding of original works. Mavy's comments about Brazil really supported not only the culture of innocence, but the actual culture of sharing that exists in many other nations. Thanks for that insight Mavy.
The other part of the discussion that really stuck with me was the need for some sort of global understanding to protect both the creators and rebranders. I think Rhonda put it best that many people now create things and make them available via the internet. Many of these creators do not seek financial compensation for their works, but merely some sort of recognition because many have created in the spirit of sharing. I think this is sort of an important point because although large companies and artists who rely on their creations for income are fighting one battle, the millions of smaller creators wouldn't necessarily fight the same battles.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing the archive, great summary of what stuck out to you.
