Saturday, August 4, 2012


I've been giving presentations practically all of my life. I was rather public when I was in high school and college. My first careers included public relations and finance - then I became a high school teacher giving presentations six times a day! This project poses the opportunity to revisit my presentation skills with a slightly different audience.
I have to admit that I'm hedging towards the published journal article, because that is something I've never done. The only things I've had published are comments and official statements on behalf of the companies I've served. But one must sort of admit where one's strengths are.
I would like to present a meaningful commentary on how urban students and urban teachers can harness the technology at their fingertips. The previous course on learning management systems really highlighted the importance of students being able to access class material from their proprietary technology (smartphones or other wi-fi enable devices). I think that a presentation geared towards this utilization would be of some benefit to the larger learning community.
In addition, I feel as though I could share the modest increases in actual  grades of my students during my action research implementation period. Although the increase was not astronomical, it did seem to demonstrate that students who were engaged in an online discussion outside of the classroom would ultimately become more engaged in the class. Additionally, the largest statistical increase came when I employed a platform that was accessible via mobile devices.
I think these findings are significant to not only urban educators, but to all educators. Although I would love to be able to publish an article, I feel as though I'd be better suited to make a presentation to reach the same end.

1 comment:

  1. Great analysis on your strengths and experiences. I've had more than a few students pick publishing because of the potential great audience. My thought tends to go with what mode best communicates what you're trying to communicate. So... good luck.
