Friday, August 17, 2012

Week3 Response to Steve


As always, I love your commentary. I really enjoyed chapter 6 of the book as well because it is so important to find the humor in work and in life. I thought it tied nicely with chapter 5 because 5 seemed to be more about recognizing the fact that leaders are only as good as the ones they lead. So often, leaders take themselves so bloody seriously that they forget about the other humans that put them there! 
I've never read that other book that you referenced, but I'm thinking of giving it a look. I like The Art of Possibility,  but I can't say its my favorite type of a read. I tend to enjoy these stories, but have plenty of my own I suppose. 
Great commentary as always Steve!

Wk 3 - The Art of Possibility - Ch. 5-8

Ram Das - Be Here Now
Lama Foundation - New Mexico - 1971

The more I read The Art of Possibility, the more it reminds me of Ram Das' 1971 spiritual guidance book "Be Here Now." This is especially true for Chapter 7, "The Way Things Are"which implores us to accept the world as it is now, in all its splendor and glory, with all its imperfections and human flaws. Chapter 7 is really about the practice of mindfulness - being present in the moment with out the "calculating self" getting in the way of possibility.  Be Here Now - Here Now Be - Now Be Here.

Reading Chapter 5, "Leading From Any Chair" made me think about the many times that my students taught me something, or led the class into a deep conversation that I had not planned.  Many times in our Wimba sessions we each take our turn leading and moving the conversations forward.  If we all remember that all humans are of equal worth, then the dichotomy between teacher and student begins to break down and unforeseen possibilities will arise.

Chapter 6 is my favorite chapter in the book so far.  The wonderful "Rule #6: Don't take yourself so goddamn seriously" is such a great piece of advice.  If it is true that "all is invented," then that includes the invented way in which we view our own selves.  If we are honest with our selves, we would see that on the grand scale of the Universe, our individual lives are meaningless and insignificant.  However, the same honesty can reveal that on a human life scale, each individual life is meaningful and full of possibilities.  We just need to "lighten up" to see these truths.

Finally, Chapter 8 implores us to give into our passions.  Allow the energy of your passions to guide your path through the Universe of possibilities.  Open your heart and allow the Universe to sing in the uniqueness of your inner voice.

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