Friday, August 24, 2012

Week4 Wimba

I'm terribly sorry I missed this discussion! What a rich interaction about the book - I read everyone's post so far and wish I were there to chat about leadership and the nature of the book with all of you.
I particularly enjoyed the interactions about what everyone found most meaningful about the book and how it has maybe contributed some thoughts to our own practice.
I think the most important part of the reading for me came in last week's assigned chapters. I wrote about it in an earlier blog that the most essential part of being a leader is the ability to make others powerful.
Despite the fact that this may seem as though it is common sense, I do think it warrants constant repetition. All leaders need to be reminded of the nature of their position and this is a good mentality to have.
I also appreciated to heads up for next month. It's good to get a little preparation as many of us are starting school very soon if we haven't already. Thanks for a great rich discussion - see you in twelve!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing the archive and good luck in month 12.
